
Manual configuration for bot

Eventcord can be customized for your server.

Server Configuration


The easiest way to configure your server is via the dashboard. Visit the dashboard's config page to configure your server.

Server configuration requires that you have the Manage Server permission

Change Server Prefix

Calling the bot via prefix is no longer supported. Use slash commands. Slash Commands

Change Server Locale

The server locale can be changed using the following command:



Requires you have

/config server locale

Changes the guild language

Manage Server

The guild language is only used on guild based commands. This includes queue commands, but doesn't include user based commands like ;help or ;userinfo.

Change Role

You can set a custom queue admin role using the following command:



Requires you have

/config server role <new role name>

Changes the queue admin role

Manage Server

Event Settings

Use this to change the settings for events on your server.

Mute Event Admins

You can toggle whether members with the event admin role will be muted during karaoke when the ready command is used. This can be done using /config server events mute_event_admins

Disable Commands

You can remove commands from user view using /config server disabled_commands. For instance, if you do not want NSFW commands to show up, disable them to hide them.

Change NSFW Tolerance

As a server manager, you can customize the NSFW tolerance in your server (within reason).

Change the Minimum NSFW Level

If you don't want to see SFW content when using commands that contain NSFW content, you can customize the minimum NSFW level by using /config server nsfw min <value between 0 (least NSFW) and 1 (most NSFW)>.

Change the Maximum NSFW Level

If you want to adjust the upper limit of NSFW content on your server, use /config server nsfw max <value between 0 (least NSFW) and 1 (most NSFW)>.

Reporting Concerns with NSFW Content

If you notice weird content or inaccurate NSFW ratings, report it on our support server in the #human-help channel. Be sure to include the content's ID (this is in the footer of the embed when content is shown).

Enable/Disable Vote Kick

You can toggle whether vote kick is enabled using /config server events votekick.

Reset Custom Guild Configuration

Use /config server reset to COMPLETELY RESET the configurations you have set.

User Configuration

Users can change their own settings that are universal between servers, and are attached to your user. All user configuration commands start with /config user. User configuration can only be set using this, and not setup command.

Change User Locale

To change what language Eventcord uses to interact with you, use the following command:




/config user locale <locale code>

Changes the user locale

If I wanted to change my user language to English US, I would use /config user locale EN_US.

The user language is only used on user based commands. This includes commands like userinfo and help, but does not include commands such as queue commands.


Tips are messages sent occasionally when using a command with useful information about the command used. Each tip will only be shown to you once every few weeks. To toggle whether tips are disabled, use /config user tips

Reset Custom User Configuration

Use /config user reset to COMPLETELY RESET the configurations you have set.

Last updated

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