
Releases that impact the end user

Kariari is now Eventcord

Kariari's name is now Eventcord! All the bot's functions are the same, just under a new name. In addition, all domain traffic has been changed to

Kariari Becomes Eventcord

3.5.4 - Jan 5, 2023

  • Added support for voice text channels

  • Fixed lyrics command not showing all pages

3.5.3 - Jan 1, 2023

  • All commands are now slash commands

  • Added new /setup command

3.5 - Aug 11, 2021

  • Added Slash Command support

  • Replaced reactions with buttons and dropdowns

3.4 - May 29, 2021

  • Karaoke events now work with stage channels

  • Members can now earn XP for each minute they spend in a voice channel

3.3 - April 16, 2021

  • New leveling system (docs page)

  • Can limit the group size of events

  • Fixed issue with members being stuck as muted if an error occurs during muting

  • Bot now changes its nickname to "Eventcord" when it joins a guild and it has permission to do so. This prevents confusion with the bot naming.

3.2 - March 6, 2021

  • Eventcord now features a dashboard at

  • Can now remove the group in event position 0 after a cycle

3.1 - August 21, 2020

  • Events will now timeout after a certain period of time (2 hours at release)

  • Automatically cycle your event using ;autocycle!

  • Vote to kick bad members from an event using ;votekick

  • You can try allowing an event to self moderate and run using ;autocycle and ;votekick!

  • ;uwuify

  • Renamed "boosts" to stars to avoid confusion with Discord boosting

3.0 - July 7, 2020

What changed:

  • Migration to eris-fleet for shard, cluster, and service management

  • Changed naming conventions

    • Queues and sessions have become events

    • A queue is a part of an event

  • Multiple events are now allowed in each server

    • You can only have one event per text channel and per voice channel if using a karaoke event

    • New command ;events which lists all events running on the server

    • Ability to start events in other channels by mentioning the channel in the end of your start command (;start [event message] [mentioned channel to start the event]) The channel defaults to the channel the command was used in

    • Ability to end events in other channels (;end)

  • Join in the queue with friends in the same event position as them

    • Done by mentioning the friend in the event you want to join when using the join command (;join [@friend])

    • In the karaoke event, this allows for duets, trios, etc.

2.1 - April 28, 2020

What changed:

2.0.2 - March 30, 2020

What changed:

  • New basic Coronavirus (COVID-19) command

  • Fixed some bugs

2.0.1 - March 27, 2020

New error reporting system. What changed:

  • Kariari switch error logging software from GCP Error Reporting to Sentry

  • New error code generation which actually provide context when debugging

2.0.0 - March 18, 2020

The revamp! What changed:

  • Bot moved to Eris from Discord.js

  • Master role changed to Queue Admin

  • Master roles (now called queue admin roles) are now case-sensitive

  • Better stability and performance

  • Config command completely redone

  • Everything recoded

  • Database issues fixed

  • All strings revamped to make the bot easier to understand

  • Translating the bot is not easier than ever! Translations are now on POEditor.

Roles who used the non-case-sensitive functionality before will automatically be updated in the bot's database without any effort from the end user. This will occur when a command is used which needs the Queue Admin Role. A message will be sent when this happens.

1.6.1 - Apr 5, 2019



  • Attempted fix on issue where bot goes offline for seemingly no reason

1.6 - Nov 15, 2018



  • On using any command, Kariari would mention you. This no longer is the case.

1.5.3 - Nov 01, 2018


  • General event queues


  • Halloween event/features

1.5.1 - Oct 25, 2018


  • setup command

  • push command

1.5 - Oct 22, 2018


  • Bot framework


  • New bot framework

  • guildinfo command

  • about command

  • invite command

  • privacy policy

  • help command generator

  • docs

Last updated